Thursday, October 31, 2019

Social And Economic Justice Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Social And Economic Justice Theory - Essay Example The thesis gains importance because present day Governments and Judicial systems should adopt the best available social and economic justice theory in their efforts to ensure fairness in justice delivery. Justice in this context does not confine to justice delivered in courts alone but also concerns the justice a common man is entitled in his day to day life. Courts are concerned with rule of law alone. The courts are expected to delver judgments tempered with economic and social justice to iron out differences due to unjust inequalities among people. If a law is unfair, courts are sometimes unable to reverse it because of the supremacy of law making power of the elected body. Courts can still guide the law making body to ensure observing the principles of economic and social justice while enacting laws. It is the law makers who are more concerned about how far the rules are socially and economically justifiable. Seemingly perfect law may not be really so if it is deeply gone into for which exercise knowledge of theories of justice is necessary. Not only is the law maker should know but also the members of the society so that if they are affected in toto or a particular section of the society is affected by an unfair practice or law, they can voice their concern. The three theories of justice that one must be concerned with are Utilitarianism, Justice as fairness, and Libertarianism in one's effort to find answer to the questions raised here. That is whether an individual is entitled to justice in direct proportion to his individual efforts. Utilitarianism theory posits that a society should have laws and institutions aimed to bring about general satisfaction for its constituents. As there is no instrument to measure the satisfaction, the utilitarianism finds it indirectly through the propositions of what is good for the members and what are the means to achieve it. Firstly the basic needs of human being such as food, shelter, protection should be satisfied. Aristotle laid the foundation of this utilitarian concept by holding that human actions actions are driven by their rational choices in order to realize their basic needs. Hence basic needs realization is the reflection of the utilitarian theory which satisfies the above said conditions of human good for overall happiness of the society's members. John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham and Henry Sidgwick were the Utilitarians of the 19th century. John Stuart Mill held on the lines of Aristotle that human happiness depended upon liberties in speech and action as well as economic prosperity. He insisted wealth was indispensable to realize the human expectations. Utilitarians therefore wanted free education funded by public money through levy of taxes, both capitalist and mixed economy, protection of all kinds of liberties and a democratically elected form of Government. An objection to this was made by John Rawls in his A Theory of Justice 1971(pp.23-4) since institutions envisaged can turn out to be unjust. Because when the analogy of an individual's sacrificing for his future gains is applied to the society's sacrifice for the present for future benefits as can happen in the utilitarian way of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Childhood Sexual Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Childhood Sexual Abuse - Essay Example The paper will seek to answer the question whether our client Marya, was sexually victimized as a child or adolescent in relation to her behavior in adulthood. To find out whether this thesis is true or false we have to analyze the book titled Madness, which describes Marya’s experience, and support our finding with knowledge from journal articles, as well as other literature containing information related to child sexual abuse. From the analysis of the book, it is clearly seen that Marya’s behavior is different from that of other children since her childhood. She had nightmares about a goat man coming to attack her at night and, in most cases, she asked her mother questions that expressed her fear (Hornbacher, 2008). This is believed to have been caused by a disorder she was born with. However, her condition in childhood is again very different from the conditions she is in as an adult. As an adult, she suffers both sex and drug addiction; she always have thoughts of c ommitting suicide. This is indicated by how she cuts herself and the way she is being frequently involved into having sex with boys due to lack of self-control (Hornbacher, 2008). Most of these effects are believed to have come out of post-traumatic stress disorder. This disorder is a result of sexual events that exposes a victim to great threats of injury or even death (Shiromani, LeDoux & Keane, 2009). As a result, she might be traumatized and thereafter might suffer from post-traumatic disorder. This kind of disorder can affect a person in different ways even in his/her adulthood. This trauma can affect a child in many ways, one of them being making the child unable to interact with other children regardless of gender and social status. This is an immediate effect where the difficulty in interaction is based on low self-esteem and self-confidence. Through this, a child’s social life gets affected negatively which can go to adulthood. Another immediate effect that this trau ma might have on a child is affecting his academic life. This trauma can make a child unable to concentrate in her academics and thus affecting her education negatively. The trauma can also affect the health and growth of the child. Research has shown that most children who have been sexually abused usually have nightmares that cause them lack of sleep and in most cases, lack of appetite (Warner, 2009). Various things trigger this kind of a disorder especially when it comes from childhood sexual abuse. One of the triggers of this disorder is loss of trust in the person that victimized the victim. The victim may also lack trust in other people of the same gender. Another trigger of this disorder is low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence that results from childhood sexual abuse. This disorder can also be triggered by self-denial that comes when one is continuously sexually abused. It is important to note that the magnitude of the disorder depend on its trigger, which can be one o r several of the mentioned in relation to the personality of the victim. Post-traumatic stress disorder developed from childhood sexual abuse, does not only affect children in their childhood, the effects are carried up to adulthood. The adult survivors of child sexual abuse exhibit behaviors that are not common in other individuals. This kind of people in most cases fails to be interactive and might fail to trust people of the opposite gender. Another

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impacts of Increased Tuition Fees

Impacts of Increased Tuition Fees In times of economic uncertainty, questions on the purpose, value, and investment of higher education (HE) come to the fore. Such questions have a particular relevance in the study â€Å"The decision-making and changing behavioural dynamics of potential higher education students: the impacts of increasing tuition fees in England† (2013) written by Stephen Wilkins, Farshid Shams, and Jeroen Huisman. One of the major challenges of higher education is funding and how the government is providing the needs of the students. Due to inadequate funds, raising tuition fees becomes inevitable (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 126).  This article focuses on the changes in the English tuition fee policies and how it correlates to student choice for higher education institutions (p. 125). Research confirms that financial considerations are the most important factors in the student-decision process when choosing a HEI (Maringe et al. 2006). Higher Education in the UK is no longer just a public good, but a public good with a private cost. Since 2006, all university students in the UK have been charged a tuition fee and each following year tuition fees have increased (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman 2013, p. 126). By 2012, the UK government decided on a  £9000 tuition cap in England (Business Innovation & Skills [BIS] 2011). With the recent changes in the global economies and rising unemployment rates the question arises: how are students understanding and responding to increases in tuition fees? The study examines three scenarios as the possible outcomes of the increase in tuition fees: 1) not entering HE; 2) going abroad; and 3) looking for a cheaper alternative in the UK (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 129). The central focus of the study is to evaluate whether financial factors take a first priority in students’ choice of applying to higher education institutions (HEIs). A survey was used to collect data amongst students in their final year of secondary school, specifically students who were following a General Certificate of Education Advanced Level programme (A-levels) in England (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 131). To supplement the survey, two focus group discussions were conducted, each lasting one hour. According to the study, the first group â€Å"consisted of five year 12/13 students who were studying A-levels at a school sixth form, while the second group had four students from a further education college† (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 131). The researchers do not go into depth as to why they choose this selective group of students. It makes one think of the potential biases of selecting these students and if their perceptions were tailored to match the propositions. By only conducting a discussion with nine students the study cannot fully capture the diversity of choice within the student body. Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman (2013) assess the impacts of the tuition fee increase by presenting the following six propositions: Proposition 1: Facing substantially higher tuition fees, financial issues will become the key influencer determining a student’s higher education choices.Proposition 2: Facing substantially higher tuition fees, working-class students will be the most likely to consider not entering higher education. Proposition 3: Facing substantially higher tuition fees, working-class students will be the most likely to seek cheaper higher education opportunities. Proposition 4: Facing substantially higher tuition fees, females will be more likely than males to be influenced by financial issues when making decisions about higher education.Proposition 5: Facing substantially higher tuition fees, students in England are still not likely to consider studying at higher education institutions (HEIs) abroad. Proposition 6: Facing substantially higher tuition fees, students who take at least one modern foreign language at A-level will be more likely to consider studying at HEIs abroad. (language inf luences). (p. 129-31) The six propositions have a focus on gender, language,   socioeconomic status, and geographic considerations. However, a potential flaw within the propositions is not considering ethnicity. Student ethnicity is not considered within the study nor the impacts of ethnic background on students choosing a HEI. This is a potential limitation when considering student choice of HEIs in the United States, specially the historically black colleges including Howard University, Spelman College, and Hapmton University. Since these schools do not have large endowments in comparison to large prestigious HEIs such as Harvard University, with an endowment of 36 billion dollars (Mulvey, J., and Holen, M., 2016), they cannot offer as much financial aid. Therefore, many students decide to attend a different HEI which can offer a more attractive financial aid package, but at the cost of sacrificing the opportunity of being part of a unparalleled cultural experience at a historically black college (Gasman, M., 2009). In the United States, endowments are the universities’ largest financial asset and serves a major determinant in student choice in HEIs. This study would benefit by having a comparative approach to HEIs in the United States if time and word limit permitted. A further point of tension within the study is the ambiguity of terms. Firstly, two out of the six propositions (ie. propositions two and six) did not provide a description which puts into question the validity of the study. Furthermore, the phrase â€Å"not entering HE† occurred nine times throughout the study. The researchers did not specify in any of those sentences what it means by â€Å"not entering HE.† An important question to ask is whether â€Å"not entering HE† refers to students taking a gap year and eventually returning to higher education or entering the labour market and never pursuing HE. This is a significant distinction because if students are taking a gap year but will return to HE it shows that they are impacted by the economy and having financial stability is an important consideration for them before starting their studies. There are no statistics in the study to outline the percentage of students not pursuing HE and no words to explain their decision. These are important considerations to help build depth within the study.    The epistemological assumptions of this study help us to understand student choice of HEIs by hypothesizing and testing empirical approaches through a natural science lens. On the other hand, the ontological assumption concerns the natural world, taking in account the effects of the global financial crisis in 2008, and the human behavior within the global HE context (Pring 2005, p. 232). Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman embrace quantitative methods approach to the study, using SPSS software to generalize the findings and test the propositions. Since the data is in a numeric form, statistical tests are applied in making statements about the data.  Quantitative studies help to produce data that is descriptive but difficulties arise when it comes to their interpretation. For instance, it is helpful that the study includes the demographics and socioeconomic statuses of the participants, but the study would have more depth if it integrated a qualitative approach in addition to the quantitative research. The students had a one hour discussion on the questionnaire yet there is no student voice, only statistics from SPSS. With group discussion responses we can have a qualitative measure of analysis of the data caption. Without properly interpreting the data behind these numbers, it is difficult to say  why  students choose HEIs based on financial considerations. In conclusion, the rise of tuition fees in England has altered the ways in which students choose to enter HE and if so, which HEIs. Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman mention that this study is not intended for policy reform (p. 137); however, it calls attention to the pressures placed on students in determining to enter HEIs and brings awareness to the major factors of student choice. An important consideration for restructuring this study is incorporating a mixed methods approach, by utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods. Without the necessary qualitative data, there is no authentic way to determine why students are choosing a certain HEI. If Wilkins, Shams, and Husiman used an interpretive paradigm and observations from the discussion groups to investigate the issues on the increase tuition fees it would create a more holistic picture of the student experience and behaviors with statistical data to prove the point.   Lastly, the data used in this study was gathered before the increase in fees in 2012 (Wilkins, Shams, & Husiman, 2013, p. 129). Students were aware of the fee increase but it was not a real determining factor for them at that point in time. It would be most helpful to have a follow-up study at the same colleges from which the data for this study was collected, using the questionnaires, and group discussion in order to compare and contrast student opinions and choice patterns overtime.   References Business Innovation & Skills (BIS). (2010). The impact of higher education finance on university participation in the UK. BIS Research Paper No. 11. London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Foskett, N., D. Roberts, and F. Maringe. (2006). Changing fee regimes and their impact on student attitudes to higher education. University of Southampton. Gasman, M. (2009). Historically Black Colleges and Universities in a Time of Economic Crisis.  Academe,  95(6), 26-28. Heller, D. 1997. Student price response in higher education: An update to Leslie and Brinkman. Journal of Higher Education, 68 (6), 624–59. Leslie, L., and Brinkman, P. (1987). Student price response in higher education: The student demand studies. Journal of Higher Education, 58 (2), 181–204. Mazzarol, T., and G.N. Soutar. 2002. ‘Push-pull’ factors influencing international student destination choice. The International Journal of Educational Management, 16 (2), 82–90. Mulvey, J., and Holen, Margaret (2016). The Evolution of Asset Classes: Lessons from University Endowments. Journal of Investment Consulting, 17 (2), 48-58. Pring, R (2005) Philosophy of Education: Aims, Theory, Common Sense and Research. London: Continuum. Wilkins, S., Shams, F., & Huisman, J. (2013). The decision-making and changing behavioural dynamics of potential higher education students: the impacts of increasing tuition fees in England.  Educational Studies,  39 (2), 125-141.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Muscles Now...Problems Later? :: essays research papers

Muscles Now†¦Problems Later?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Your lifelong dream of becoming Hulk Hogan is coming along slower than planned. You decide to speed the process up by doping on some creatine. But will you just be cutting yourself short in the long run?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine is an amino acid produced naturally in the liver. Many athletes use this naturally occurring metabolite, found in red muscle tissue, as a way to store energy between bursts of activity. Creatine is normally obtained from foods we eat, the best sources being meat and fish, but if you don’t do the meant thing you could always hit up your local drug store or fitness gym. Beef is the most creatine-dense food in the world, and the Babe ate a lot of steaks. He was doing a little creatine doping himself and nobody even knew it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Athletes face enormous pressure to excel in their competition. They also know that winning cannot only earn them a gold medal, but money and fame along with it. Athletes know that training is their best bet to victory, but they also get the message that some drugs can boost their efforts and give them a short cut.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While most athletes use performance enhancing drugs to build their body mass, increase the delivery of oxygen to exercising tissues or to reduce weigh, others misuse the drugs to relax, cope with stress or to boost their own confidence. Performance enhancing drugs increase muscle strength by encouraging new muscle growth and they allow the athlete to train harder and longer at any given period, so they can pump up their bodies and their game. Some drugs, such as creatine, also permit damaged muscle tissue to work harder during therapy and rebuild itself to a normal state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An athletic boost in short term may lead to health problems in the long run for athletes who use performance- enhancing drugs in the long run, warns a youth sports medicine specialist from the University of Michigan Health System. The same substances that athletes take to have more muscles, power and endurance may cause them to grow into shorter adults. It may even also cause them to take on some secondary physical characteristics of the opposite sex   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  More and younger athletes than ever before are imitating their professional sports heroes by using outlawed drugs and unproven supplements to pump up their bodies. Those physical features are most common among teenagers who use performance- enhancing drugs.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Identify and Explain Communication Relationships

Promote Communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings 1. 1 Identify the different reasons people communicate Communication is very important and can be non-verbal: making eye contact, body language and gestures, verbal: talking, singing, listening and responding, and written. People communicate usually to provide or receive information. The information provided can be passed on and used for teaching and learning. It is also used to share our ideas and thoughts, to interact with others, and to understand others.Communication allows us to make decisions, to inform others, to resolve conflicts and problems, and to meet social and physical needs. We need to communicate in a nursery especially, as it is part of child development. Communication allows for connection with a young child, and enabling positive relationships to build by sharing and relating information. We also use communication whilst experiencing different things, such as new fo od, which allows everyone to express their ideas and extend their vocabulary. . 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting Communication in the workplace is a system for sending and receiving messages. Communication is a process that enables us to have good relationships with parents, colleagues, and children. Good relationships can create a welcoming and secure atmosphere for the children. This then helps the child to settle in and feel relaxed. Children are ‘social learners’, and learn by copying other people.Adults working with them should model good communication, both speaking and listening, so children will learn from them. Children need to know that they are being listened to and heard. This helps them to build up trust with adults, and promotes better relationships. The more you learn how to listen to the child, the better you will be able to assess their abilities and interests, and planning for their next steps in learning and develo pment. You will also get to know them well and then you can support their emotional needs by being in tune with them.The better and sooner children learn to communicate, the more easily they will form friendships and their confidence and self-esteem will increase. Very young children often aren’t able to express their thoughts and feelings in words, so it is important that adults working with them can listen carefully, and help children to learn how to express themselves. Good relationships also benefit the quality of interaction between the setting and the parent. Parents are more likely to share information, make comments and take an interest in what their child has been doing.This also benefits the child as additional information will be passed on to help the practitioner meet the child’s needs. There also needs to be good communication between staff members in the setting so they can enjoy their work. A good relationship in a team means that during times of stress and difficulties, practitioners can support each other. If there is lack of communication between staff members, vital information may not be passed on, and the child’s safety could be affected. This could be what a child’s allergies are, or who will be picking the child up. ConfidentialityConfidential information is information of some sensitivity, which has been shared in a relationship where the person giving the information understood it would not be shared with others. This also means the discretion in keeping secret or private information. All childcare settings must intend to fully respect the privacy of children and families. It is good to try and ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their child. Settings can respect confidentiality in the following ways: Allowing parents to have access to files and records of their own children, but do not have access to information about any other child. * Staff will not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it effects planning for the child’s needs. All staff is aware of the importance of confidentiality in the role of the key person. * Any concerns relating to a child’s personal safety are kept in a secure, confidential file and are shared with as few people as possible on a â€Å"need to know† basis. Personal information about children, families and staff is kept securely in a lockable file. * Issues to do with employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, remain confidential to the people directly involved with making decisions. * Students attending the nursery on placement are made aware of the confidentiality policy and are required to respect it. Multi-Agency Approach to Communication Unifying Communications for a Safer Response The Programme is funded jointly by the Department of Communities and Local Government, National Policing I mprovement Agency, Cabinet Office and the Department of Health.The Public rightfully expect a  quick and effective  response from the emergency services and responder community. Experience  of major incidents and large scale events have highlighted the requirement for responders to communicate more effectively. Common communications tools are available, including Airwave radio and data tools such as the National Resilience Extranet. Airwave is the common radio platform in use by the Police Service, Ambulance Trusts, Fire and Rescue Service and those responding within the Civil Contingencies Act, 2004.The exchange of critical voice and data information between emergency responders is essential to: * Maximise the opportunity for  an effective  provision of services to the Public * Minimise risks to the public and emergency services personnel * Alert personnel to an immediate hazard * Support decision-making by Commanders * Assist in the creation and maintenance of a Common O perating Picture (COP) * Deliver a common operational approach across borders at emergencies, incidents and events http://www. pia. police. uk Communicating with children It is important to communicate clearly with young children as it helps them to understand what is expected of them, and they also learn to become good communicators themselves. Good communication:- * Check that you have their attention * Make good eye contact * Use positive facial expressions and body language * Use a friendly tone of voice * Call children by their preferred name * Keep sentences to the point * Listen to what the child says them respond Do not be sarcastic * Think about children’s language level and needs * Remember that they may not know phrases and words such as ‘a couple’ To build a good relationship with children, it is important that you encourage them to interact with you. This should be in a relaxed and natural way. Sometimes rather than telling a child what to do, you ma y ask them what they think and allow them to make suggestions. Listening plays a vital role here and teaches the children how to listen.Adapting communication to meet the individual needs of children Every child is different, so it is important to think about the communication needs of each individual child, and then adapt your approaches accordingly. For example, a child who stammers will need more opportunities to talk calmly in unhurried situations, away from other children who may interrupt. Another example is a child who has English as a second language. In this case, you may need to simplify sentences or use visual cues. They may need a little more time to respond.If there are particular difficulties with a child, firstly you need to talk to parents as they know what works best for their child. If these strategies don’t work, you may need to contact a speech and language team to try and extend these strategies. For example, a visual approach alongside spoken word, to he lp children understand the meaning, or a pictorial system which allows the children to show what they want by photographs. A child with a hearing loss may benefit from communicating in areas that are well lit, and away from distracting background noises.Recognising communication differences and difficulties It is important to learn about what a particular child is use to. If you have parents of different cultures or nationalities in the setting, take note of how they interact and communicate with children. For example, a parent may kiss and hug their child more, so their child will be used to a much more active style of communication. The use of eye contact and body language also vary across languages and cultures. The gesture for ‘no’ may be different so it is good to learn by watching and taking an interest in the way parents interacts with their children.There are many reasons why a child may have delayed speech or communication difficulties. If early intervention ca n take place, it could make a significant difference. Environmental causes include: Parents/carers or practitioners being ‘too busy’ to talk to the children Lack of understanding by parents/carers or practitioners of the importance of talking and listening to children Meal times not being shared with adults Noisy home environment – radio always on Child being left alone for long periods of time Children with communication difficulties do not necessarily have any learning impairment.It is important to not assume that a child’s ability to understand, listen and learn is diminished because of difficulties in communication. It is also essential to ensure that the child is not being bullied or teased by the other children. If so, it must be prevented straight away as there are many effects such as a decrease in confidence and self esteem. Type of difficulty| Examples/Characteristics| Speech and Language Delay| A child with these difficulties follow the normal p attern for speech and language, but at a slower rate or later than usual. Emotional Problems| Being withdrawn and fearful of adults. A child with emotional problems is usually a result of abuse or neglect. | Expressive Difficulties| The child finds it hard to convey thoughts in words. For example, a child may say ‘chair’ meaning ‘table’ but does fully understand the difference between the two. | Stuttering| Most children go through a phase of not being able to pronounce words in the accepted way, repeating words and not being fluent. If a stutter does develop, it will be between the age of two and five years.Children who have a stutter have difficulty in coordinating the airflow in their mouths and the muscles around their mouths. Stressful situations, such as talking in front of a group, can make it worse. It is very important to allow the child to speak and not finish their sentences. You can help with props and provide lots of reassurance. Referral to a specialist may be required. | Specialists include: * Translation services * Interpreting services * Speech and language services * Advocacy services

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Market Structures Essay

Each market structure plays a significant role in the economy. Markets are categorized according to the structure of each industry serving the market. Three of the basic market structures include competitive markets, monopolies, and oligopolies. These differ due to the different number of strength of buyers and sellers and also the level of collusion between them. There are stages of competition and magnitude of the difference in products. When there are many buyers and sellers of a product then neither firms are able influence prices, therefore making it competitive. In competitive markets there are not restraints on firms going in and out of the market and buyers can purchase the same product or products from many sellers and get the same products. For example, potatoes are in the competitive market because consumers can find a potato farm that offers them at the lowest market price, and they can produce however much they want or as much as they can profit from at the going rate. There are many options for buyers because, with the knowledge, there is a lower price so they can always observe to find the best price. Lets say a good/product is $10 at the market price and a firm produces 10 units per day. The total revenue for the day would be $100 ($10 x 10 = $100), but the marginal revenue with producing the eleventh unit per day would increase from $100 to $ 110 ( 11 x $10). However marginal cost do vary depending on the amount of goods produced. For example, a firm may increase input so marginal cost is equal to the market price. As long as the market price covers the variable cost there is incentive to stay in business, and possibly in the long run maximize profits (Jeffery Ely, 2012). So basically with a numerous amount of buyers and sellers in the market it creates competition and very little bargaining power for buyers and sellers. There are usually not many barriers that exist within competitive markets because the exit and entry levels are low. For example, even though the market for making cars competitive the upfront capitol cost are high, which can create difficulty entering, or getting started. In some cases an exit barrier may exist if a large amounts of money is tied up in firm.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Woman Dies a Brutal Death in the Valley of Ashes - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald -write a news report on one of the major incidences in The Great Gatsby

Woman Dies a Brutal Death in the Valley of Ashes - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald -write a news report on one of the major incidences in The Great Gatsby Last night George Wilson grieved over the loss of his wife, Myrtle Wilson, who ran onto a road in the Valley of Ashes and was struck by a car, losing her life.Mavro Michaelis, a good friend of George Wilson's, had this to say "She rushed out into the dusk, waving her hands and shouting." (Fitzgerald 130) It caught Michaelis' attention but "before he could move from his door, the business was over." (Fitzgerald 130)As she blindly ran into the street like a madwoman, she was struck and instantly killed by the 'death car.' (Fitzgerald 131)"Michaelis and another man reached her first, but when they had torn open her shirtwaist, still damp with perspiration, they saw that her left breast was swinging loose like a flap, and there was no need to listen for the heart beneath." (Fitzgerald 131)Michaelis described the deceased's face by saying "the mouth was wide open and ripped a little at the corners, as though she had choked a little in giving up the tremendous vitality she had stored so lo ng."Tomb of George Wilson, Edinburgh(Fitzgerald 131)A man who was present at the scene of the crime said that "it was a yellow car, the car passed me down the road going faster than forty. Going fifty, sixty." (Fitzgerald 133)When Wilson learned of the car that had killed his beloved wife, his emotional state became further deranged. Alex Goodall, a neighbour, had this to say: "He grew quieter and began to talk about the yellow car. He announced that he had a way of finding out whom the yellow car belonged to, and then he blurted out that a couple of months ago his wife had come from the city with her face bruised and her nose swollen." (Fitzgerald 149)"Her and her husband were having some sort of...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The secret life of Walter Mitty Essay Example

The secret life of Walter Mitty Essay Example The secret life of Walter Mitty Paper The secret life of Walter Mitty Paper He is shopping in town while his wife is at the hairdressers. He has five daydreams during the story; he imagines that he is the commander of a warship (while driving), he imagines he is a surgeon who saves a millionaires life (while driving), a defendant in a courtroom who is accused of shooting someone (after reading a newspaper report on a similar trial), he imagines he is a pilot in the Second World War (whilst reading a Liberty magazine), and he imagines he is in front of a firing squad (whilst he is waiting for his wife). This story mentions the armed forces on more than one occasion, as an important part of American culture is the military. Americans are proud of their technological advances in the sea, in the air and on land. This story has reference to a US navy vessel, an eight-engined Navy hydroplane. Walter Mitty is the captain of this until his wife informs him that he is going too fast. Navy vessels are an important part of American culture as they rely on them heavily, they helped them to win both world wars, and are important in reminding the world who the most powerful country in the world currently is. In conclusion, the Americans like weapons to be mentioned, as they show Yankee genius. This story, like My Father, illustrates dominant women, although both are set in completely different periods. Walter Mittys wife keeps ordering him about, and complains to him whenever he does anything wrong, e. g. Why dont you wear gloves? Ive been looking all over the hotel for you. Why do you have to hide in this old chair? There are many other similar quotations in this story that demonstrate that Mrs. Mitty keeps bossing Walter Mitty around. This shows the fact that in American society, the women are often generally strong characters (as they are descended from women who were pioneers and had to spent a lot of the time travelling across unknown territory) Walter Mittys third daydream is in a courtroom, after he read a headline about the Waterbury trial. In his daydream, Walter Mitty is accused of murder by shooting them. This illustrates the gun culture that is and was present in the United States. Many people in America have the opportunities to get a gun, and many have done this and used it to result in deaths. This is what the trial is about. The author is illustrating the gun culture operating in America. Walter Mittys fourth daydream is about a heroic captain in the air force who is brave enough to try and fly an aircraft that needs two pilots in order to destroy a German ammunition dump. The heroes of any war that America fought in are still important in American culture today, as they are proud of what they achieved. They are so proud of their fellow countryman who have fought for their country, they have made numerous films on the subject, most of which are based on true stories. In many cases, they often change the nationality of the heroes in the film to American. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty shows us culture in the Second World War in America and how it has affected the modern American culture. A couple of Hamburgers, by James Thurber This story is about a man and his wife who are travelling by car over a long distance, and the wife wants to stop at a diner. The man finds a few diners, but she does not approve of them, and a disagreement breaks out. Throughout the whole journey they have been annoying each other. They find a suitable diner, but then the wife discovers that this is not suitable, and her husband becomes even more annoyed at her for this. He refuses to leave this diner, so orders a couple of Hamburgers, while she smokes in the car. To annoy her further he starts singing to her in the car as they continue their journey and the story ends. This story again illustrates strong women, although to a less extent than in The secret life of Walter Mitty and My father. The wife in this story (who is nameless) firstly says that she is hungry, implying that she wants him to stop, which he agrees to do. Any of the places that he finds are not suitable, for various reasons, e. g. because the diners have nicknames, or if they are owned by Greeks. They do not stop here, as she does not want to, as she is a strong woman. The couple in this story do not get on particularly well. They argue about many things, e. g. she keeps hearing a funny sound in the car, which they argue over, they argue over where to stop to eat, he starts singing to her songs that she detests. This illustrates that perhaps many married couples in the USA are not happy with their life, and the hint of perhaps divorce lurks in the air. Divorce in America has now become very common, in fact nine out of ten marriages in the USA end in divorce, so it is very important. Divorce probably started to become more popular in the period that this story is set (post Second World War). This story, like Jeremy Rodock and My Father has references to pioneers, both the husband and the wife have ancestors who are pioneers, and the husband likes to use pioneer expressions that she thinks are crude, such as sow belly, sticking to your rib, dog wagons, and stay our stomachs. He likes to use these expressions, as he is very proud of his ancestry, and likes to remind people of this fact. She is too, although to a less extent. The car is very important part of American culture, as it is to most countries, but the USA especially. The United States is a very large country, and many people need to travel from one part of the country to another. Before aircraft were commercialised, and even afterwards, the car was the main way to travel interstate. In this story, the couple are on a long journey and are travelling by car, without the invention of the motorcar; this journey would not have been possible. The interstate roads are also very important, unlike many European countries, the roads are mostly straight and direct as the towns grew up on the roads, then mainly used by horses. This story does exemplify that America grew with immigration, people from all over the word migrated to the USA to lead a better life. As a result, the diversity of culture in the USA is enormous. This story mentions Greeks particularly; the wife will not stop at a Greek diner. The hamburger, mentioned in the title of this story is not of American heritage, it is, as the name suggests, from the German city of Hamburg. People from Hamburg migrated to the US and spread their Hamburgers around, and the idea spread, and the Americans developed it to a national food. People from most countries in the world have immigrated to the USA, creating a unique country with unique cultures. The story is about Hamburgers. Hamburgers are fast food, which has become a major part of American culture, and a massive industry in the USA and worldwide, due to chains such as MacDonalds, etc. Fast food is such an important part of US culture as the Americans like food very quickly, and they like the taste of the food, and as many do not have much time to spare, they need food quickly, and as fat food satisfies all of these requirements, it has become very popular. There is not much slang or difference in language to the English language in this story, as the wife speaks quite good English, as well as the husband, but he does use pioneer expressions already mentioned. There is the use of American terms in this story that are presumably not of Pioneer origin, e. g. diner, tumbler, slosh, folks, etc. The only slang used in this story are: aint, and swell, (which is used in a different context to its proper meaning). The language difference in this story illustrates the difference in culture between the USA and the UK In conclusion, A couple of Hamburgers sheds light on culture in post war America. By reading these four stories, we have discovered the diversity of culture in the United States of America, in the periods between 1850-1960; we have seen cultures from pioneers to fast food and the difference of the role of women in society, among many other important factors.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The -escent Suffix

The -escent Suffix The -escent Suffix The -escent Suffix By Sharon My five year old is now reading fluently and as a result is asking all sorts of questions about the meanings of words. The other day, she asked why fluorescent bulbs were so named and I realized that I had absolutely no idea, so I set out to find out more about this suffix. It turns out that -escent is used in two ways. The first relates to the play of light and color and is seen in words such as: fluorescent having a type of luminescence caused by the absorption of radiation iridescent having a lustrous, rainbow like play of color pearlescent having a pearly luster opalescent reflecting an iridescent light phosphorescent the quality of luminescence without heat incandescent white or glowing with intense heat luminescent low temperature emission of light The other use of -escent indicates a change of state. Something may be beginning to change, have changed slightly or resemble another object. That use gives us words such as obsolescent becoming obsolete quiescent becoming quiet arborescent resembling a tree effervescent beginning to boil or bubble adolescent becoming an adult convalescent recovering health gradually after being ill florescent beginning to flower Related suffixes are -esce and -escence (as in convalesce and convalescence) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsThe Many Forms of the Verb TO BE50 Words with Alternative Spellings

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Broker Fish Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Broker Fish Industry - Research Paper Example The company started its operations 10 years back as a financial consulting firm and in 2002, stepped into covering medical insurance. This insurance company not only helps individuals but also different organization by providing them with best health insurance schemes. They provide high value health insurance options to their customers because they believe in easy affordability, excellent service, delivering customer value in a friendly environment and building good and profitable relationships with customers by finding their needs regarding health insurance. Health is the most significant thing in everyone’s life but most people do not give it much importance by indulging themselves in other useless things. All these factors appeal the customers and therefore, they consider it important to be medically insured. The vision of this company is to provide excellent service with easy affordability and with innovation, build honest relations with customers and provide fun environme nt to their employees which will help in achieving company’s goals easily. It happens very often that people want to change their health insurance agents or company because of a number of reasons like poor service when they need them most for instance hospital claim or in any other emergency or poor communications, lack of knowledge, as agents are not aware of the health insurance they have provided themselves. Sometimes even their record keeping is very poor. They do not keep proper records of their last claims or do not inform customers about the renewals at the right time. These are the issues that customers face with health insurance agents and companies. The policy changes to be considered are as follows: Carry out market research on regular basis in order to find the needs of customers; Training to be provided to all insurance agents on a regular basis so as to fulfill the needs of customers and to provide value to them; Maintenance of profitable relationship with custo mers and keeping them updated with any changes affecting them or their policies; Change is constant in the insurance industry, its policies and premiums also keep changing. To make sure that customers are aware of these changes so they can choose wisely; Provide high quality advice to customers so that they select the best policy option. Continue to offer new policy plans to provide customers with new and innovative plans and give them the options to change their policies by choosing the one most suitable and best for their family. These policy changes will affect the entire company as well as the five management functions in a number of ways. STAFFING: This is the most important management function; organization should recruit right people with the right skills and knowledge for the particular task that will help in attaining organization’s goal. The most significant thing that organizations should keep in mind is the people they hire because they make or break companyâ€⠄¢s reputation. In order to be competitive in the market organization should respond to the change efficiently and right people with right skills can guarantee success. Broker Fish Health Insurance will hire the right people as their insurance agents who should be trained properly so as to inform customers and other organizations about the health insurance policies of the company. The agents should also know how to persuade them by telling them how these policies fulfill their needs and is the best as compared to the ones provided by rival companies. Broker fish insurance agents will have proper knowledge about the policies and changes that are expected in the future. Company will make sure that their agents are fully informed and updated on the policies and will give them proper guidelines on the information. Managers will keep track of their agents, if they are communicating the right information to customers and informing them about the new, upcoming plans. PLANNING: This

Friday, October 18, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Globalisation - Essay Example The World War I & II were the central points that proposed the idea of globalisation. The World Wars adversely affected national economies. On the basis of numerous studies conducted, economists realised that the concept of globalization would contribute to the rapid economic restructuring. In addition to the economic benefits, nations could improve its political as well technological relations globally. It is argued that globalisation can benefit developing countries more in achieving rapid economic growth. Obviously, it has several negative aspects too. This paper will critically analyse notable strengths and weaknesses of globalisation. Strengths According to Devetak and Hughes (34), globalisation connects nations through a global network, and it assists a nation to get access to foreign markets and customers. Sometimes, an organisation can attain more benefits from foreign markets than from domestic markets since the offshore country may provide better business conditions. The fa vourable conditions include cheap raw materials and labour, liberal government laws, and large number of potential customers. The removal of trade barriers promoted import and export activities by which a government acquires foreign investments. The emergence of a global financial market can be directly attributed to the concept of globalisation, which assisted the borrowers to get better access to external financing. The increased volume of national and international trade transactions will probably boost the rapid economic development of a country. The economic development of a country may raise the standard of living of its citizens. Moreover, every nation gets access to highly developed technologies so that organisations can take advantages of these improved technologies in order to enter the next phase of growth. Hence, technological improvement and increased productivity are some of the positive outcomes of globalisation. As per statistical data, â€Å"everyday more than $1.5 trillion is now swapped in the world’s currency markets and around one fifth of products and services are generated per year are bought and sold† (Benefits of Globalisation). The global interconnectedness helps nations to attract more and more investors and thereby complete their capital accumulation process successfully. It is evident that potential investors are invaluable assets of every organisation as these investors have the capacity to raise additional capital in times of unexpected contingencies. The buyer group also acquires benefits from world trade as they get better selection options through which a buyer can purchase quality goods at lower prices. Another fascinating feature of the globalisation is that it can keep inflation level lower. This feature greatly aids governments to trim down public sector spending and minimise troubles associated with a higher inflation level. The increased global trade creates a lot of employment opportunities across the glob e and thus it effectively contributes to each nation’s economy. Globalisation brought some excellent economical results in 1980s and it can be attributed to increased global trade activities. In 1986, commerce as a percentage of gross world product has risen from 15% to 27%; in addition, globalisation process brought revolutionary developments in the number of mobile phone subscribers and internet users during the last few decades (Benefits of Globalization). Weaknesses As in the case of any other potential

Case Study and Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

And Analysis - Case Study Example As per the open system model, the organization along with the sub system which includes groups, individuals and departments often share a number of similar features which explains how the organizations functions and are organized (Cummings & Worley, p.89). The organization, in the given case study, seems to lack coordination among the members and also with the top level management. There are no specific goals attached with the organization and employees often sends query about what the specific goal is and how to achieve it. By looking at the open system model of the organization, it can be assumed that the major problem lies with the group level. Although the other two levels that is organizational level and individual level are far away from perfection but the major issue lies with the group level. Group Level Diagnosis The group level diagnosis consists of inputs under which organizational design plays an important role in group design. Structure of the organization, technology, H R system, measurement system and organizational culture are the components of the organizational design. It mainly specifies the work done tighter in a group which is the main issue in the present organization. As per the survey or questions asked, the response revealed that the organization did not have a so called team. The organization does not function as a team whenever group decisions are required. As commented by Don, the national sales manager, the members do not listen to each other and tends to talk much without listening much to each other. The members are effective in sharing information but not much as a team. The core factors of team functioning was missing such as appraisals and reward system. The next factor is design components which consist of five major components. In task structure, the main idea is to see how the group work is designed. It varies along two dimensions which are regulation of task behavior and coordination of member’s effort. In the respect ive case, there is no group work, no interaction among the group members regarding the work. When meeting are conducted the members do not know what to discuss on such meetings. Meetings are thought to be wastage of time and rather talking as a team the members address it to Joe the division president. The next components talks about the clarity of goal. The members do not know the objective of the organization, what kind of goal is the organization thriving for and so on. Group composition is concerned with the membership of the groups .The members have the ability to differ on dimensions which are relevant to group behavior. But group work does not take a stand in the particular organization, members tends to work on their own, their own way. Group functioning is also important to group life. It takes into consideration how members of an organization relate to each other as quality of relationship does affect the task performance. The relationship among the members is quite effect ive, which is expressed on the last page of the case study. Since there is a lack of team spirit and team work, members needs to work on their own and discuss issues with Joe instead of team members. Lastly, the performance norms which talks about the group should perform task and include performance which are acceptable. The members in the organization want Joe to take care of the needs and

Online Business Technologies Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Online Business Technologies - Term Paper Example Successful organizations have been at the forefront of implementing e-commerce to integrate business processes and enhance work operations within the organization. The changes heralded by ICT are likely to accelerate in the future and herald fresh technological developments within the digital economy that are likely to generate fresh fundamental approaches to e-business of economy, government, and society accompanied by social and political implications (Stephen 2005, p.2). The term e-commerce is employed to describe online transactions incorporating the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. The advantages of e-business encompass: yielding enhanced precision, quality and time demanded to update and delivering information on products or services; awarding client s the possibility of accessing the catalogs and prices at all time. E-business allows adoption of a fast and immediate way of conducting transactions and allows the electronic delivery of products and enh anced market, competitor intelligence (Phan 2003, p.581). Indeed, e-business has led to an expansion of customer base and rise within export opportunities. E-business pursues utilizing the Internet and linked technologies to integrate and redesign the organization’s internal activities, processes, and external relations, and generate fresh ways of working that are dramatically different from, and frequently superior to what was possible previously. E-business may encompass aspects such as electronic invoicing, electronic supply chain, and electronic marketing and promoting (Lawson 2001, p.377). Some of the conditions critical for e-business entail aspects such as configuration of all processes with the internet; significant revenue contribution from the internet; 24/7electronic infrastructure; and, profit and loss focus. E-business refers to the term employed to describe the mode of utilizing the internet to operate a business. E-commerce encapsulates the ordering, purchasing , slang, and paying for products and services by utilizing the internet. E-business only mirrors a fraction of the global business and can be highlighted as a leading sector that avail entrepreneurs with a suitable platform for entering the market (AMit and Zott 2001, p.493). E-business represents the strategic employment of internet tools and technologies with the aim of enriching all aspects of a business such as marketing, sales, or back-end activities. Background The internet has over time become an increasingly critical part of people’s lives. Indeed, e-business is increasingly permeating the mainstream business culture and becoming a medium connecting consumers and enterprises. Despite the increased growth of e-business, the majority of the industries are yet to realize the full potential of the internet, and there are numerous opportunities that stand to be exploited (Stephen 2005, p.3). This should be undertaken in full knowledge of the fact that technology takes time to thrive and become broadly available. As such, society requires time to adjust to allow all stakeholders to abandon their previous ways of undertaking things, and start utilizing the new technology in such a manner that it actually generates value. Rapid development in infrastructure and services has been widely witnessed in both private and private sectors organizations. The growth that the ICT sector has witnessed has yielded to IT representing one of the biggest capital expenditure by companies/businesses. A significant part of government initiatives has frequently been targeted at increasing the investments within ICT.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Family and social structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Family and social structure - Essay Example cy that include but are not limited to; - Social economic status particularly the variations in income distributions across the society, levels of gender equality in the society, the availability of sex education in schools, ease of access of sexual health services that are targeted at teenagers as well as levels of exposure to explicit media material. In 2000, around 38,690 teenagers under 18 years old conceived. Around 45% of these teenagers opted for Legal abortion due to the fact that these were unplanned pregnancies. Several factors tend to influence their choice on whether or not they would want to be sexually active and to utilize the various contraception available to them. A majority of these decisions are done at a personal level (beliefs and attitudes, substance abuse, knowledge), intra-familial level (parent-child communication, family structure, social economic factors), extra-familial level (sexual health education in schools, health services, peer influences) as well as the community level (norms and values that are related to teenage pregnancies) Most of these factors can vary with time and depending on the available social institutions while at the same time others may not be that easy to change. In many cases, groups of physicians play the role of lobbying the government to enact policy initiatives that are aimed at controlling sexually risky behavior amongst teenagers that include improved sex education in learning institutions. The most significant role of physicians is to provide the needed sexual health information as well as services in their premises during the provision of clinical services to teenagers. These physicians have to be familiar with the realities teenage sexuality. Studies have shown that most teenagers may be sexually active by the time they complete their high school education. This means that physicians should try to include in their general inquiry questions about their past sexual activity, contraception use, STI

Personal Statement for Engineering Course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Statement for Engineering Course - Essay Example It is my belief that anybody who wants to have a future working in the field of electronics needs to be familiar with and a graduate of that particular course. Specially if one is preparing for a career in Electrical Engineering. I can still recall the very first time that I came to understand the importance of Electronics in our lives. I was a child whose inquisitive mind was indulged by my parents. So they did not think anything of it when they caught me disassembling our transistor radio, my dads calculator, or my moms hair dryer. They knew that my fascination for all things electrical drove me to open things up just to see what made it work and how. My interest in electronics turned out to not be a passing childhood fancy. As I matured I found myself getting more and more interested in the background of electronics and how these various, boards, and circuits managed to come together to create a working, fluid, and super charged electrical circuit. So it came as no wonder when I told my parents that I wanted to study college courses that would lead me towards a career in Electrical Engineering when the time came for me to attend college. Although my parents supported my dreams, they both agreed that I would best benefit from strengthening my electronic background and knowledge first. Hence the 2 year Electrical Installation degree. It really did help prepare me better for my goal of attending an electrical engineering course. I have always been a numerical person and my interest in Math came in quite handy in this case. It seems that Math and Electronics make for perfect bedfellows. Its merging in my personality creates the ulti mate Electrical Engineer in the best possible way. With my Electrical Installation degree tucked under my belt, I feel that I am now in a position to further pursue my dreams of becoming an electrical engineer. With my courses in Application

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Family and social structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Family and social structure - Essay Example cy that include but are not limited to; - Social economic status particularly the variations in income distributions across the society, levels of gender equality in the society, the availability of sex education in schools, ease of access of sexual health services that are targeted at teenagers as well as levels of exposure to explicit media material. In 2000, around 38,690 teenagers under 18 years old conceived. Around 45% of these teenagers opted for Legal abortion due to the fact that these were unplanned pregnancies. Several factors tend to influence their choice on whether or not they would want to be sexually active and to utilize the various contraception available to them. A majority of these decisions are done at a personal level (beliefs and attitudes, substance abuse, knowledge), intra-familial level (parent-child communication, family structure, social economic factors), extra-familial level (sexual health education in schools, health services, peer influences) as well as the community level (norms and values that are related to teenage pregnancies) Most of these factors can vary with time and depending on the available social institutions while at the same time others may not be that easy to change. In many cases, groups of physicians play the role of lobbying the government to enact policy initiatives that are aimed at controlling sexually risky behavior amongst teenagers that include improved sex education in learning institutions. The most significant role of physicians is to provide the needed sexual health information as well as services in their premises during the provision of clinical services to teenagers. These physicians have to be familiar with the realities teenage sexuality. Studies have shown that most teenagers may be sexually active by the time they complete their high school education. This means that physicians should try to include in their general inquiry questions about their past sexual activity, contraception use, STI

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Life of Pi Animals Essay Example for Free

Life of Pi Animals Essay Acting and speaking before THINKING, this goes back to a humans’ primitive stage. We are all animals, in the sense that we are mammals. Manifested through our psyche or personality, each animal has a different representation. From personality traits, behavior or even symbolism, animals have the ability to portray these features in humans. In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, four distinct animals are manifested in the main character’s (Pi Patel)spirit. These four animals a zebra, which symbolizes the struggle to survive and docility, the orangutan – a nurturing mother personality, the hyena for desperation and evil, then lastly the tiger, Richard Parker which represents perseverance and companionship. When one visits the zoo, the most submissive creature there to see is the zebra. Marked with bold black and white stripes to show endurance, the zebra is still indecisive and unassertive. Relating back to Pi Patel, even from the beginning of the novel he cannot make up his mind about which religion to follow. This shows when his indetermination leads him from being a Muslim, to Hinduism, to Christianity. Also, as the hyena attacks the zebra for food, the animal strives to defend himself by thrashing about the boat. Severely wounded and painfully struggling to fight the battle, zebras determination to stay alive and survive the attack from the hyena. This is also a small wake up call to Pi who is also growing weak day in and day out while a hungry Bengal tiger sleeps only a few feet away. However the need to survive and the life of force is a character trait that the zebra and Pi Patel have in common, not to mention uncertainty.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Characteristics Of A Community Worker

Characteristics Of A Community Worker Introduction Human beings have been engaged with a series of occupations from hunting to what we are today. As societies and communities began to exist, several actions were done simply to tackle a common problem or to spread awareness resulting to what we call today as voluntary work. Voluntary work when it relates to the needs of a community, it is referred to as voluntary community work. The professional and voluntary community workers are both motivated by the incessant need to contribute positively to the community. Both types of community work include doing some sort of work that benefits the community. This could be anything from taking care of people in old peoples homes, to working for the children and their families. Community service comes in many different forms, such as belonging to a service organization, making donations to the needy, spending your time contributing towards the betterment of the society. Some community workers may be called upon to perform admirable actions like saving peoples lives, however there are smaller ways that an individual can help his community. (Standard Journal) Professional community service relates to everything that is done for the community for money and for acquiring skills and experience. Professional and voluntary work, are different ways of doing community service. The voluntary service is based on self motivation and the urge to improve the community without any selfish reasons while the major motivator of a professional community worker is his salary. Today the two ways are being combined. Most individuals and companies nowadays actively tackle social issues while taking advantage of personal profit and recognition within the industry. Community Service Community service is about helping others either directly or indirectly in order to improve the condition of the community in which we are living. Community service is different from other institutions as it deals with local problems rather than global problems at large. Community service is based on the idea that it is a good thing someone is doing without expecting anything in return. The real beauty of serving your community is that you get to help others, and in the end, it helps you too to have a better community with happy people and a safer environment. There are many reasons people do community service and there are many different ways in which to contribute, but the main idea is to make the world a better place to live. (communityserviceopportunities.php) There are various reasons why people engage in community service, some are voluntary and some are non voluntary. Some people like to do community service because they feel that it is the best way to improve their community. There is always somebody for whom your help and time can be necessary; this is good reason to work at giving back to the community. Many persons view community service as an important aspect of citizenship or values, while others do it because of their religion. Yet there are people who engage in community service in order to fulfill requirements for certain company, as a need to graduate from an institutions, or even as a mandatory legal punishment given by judges instead of or in addition to jail time or fines. The concept behind this is that the law can find a way to punish criminals or offenders at the advantage of the community and giving law breakers a reminder about what it means to be a good citizen. (communityserviceopportunities.php) Irrespective of the reasons to be a community worker, it is essential to remember that community service itself takes on many forms from cleaning the road monthly to helping children in poverty. There are many ways to make the community a nice place to live. Prevalent forms of community service are beautification efforts such as picking up garbage or ameliorating landscaping work, while many others are focused on education or welfare of children where community workers can improve writing skills of children of making a safe place for them when their parents are away from home. Characteristics of a community worker The community worker must be trained and knowledgeable but this is not all. The persons who need to investigate and assist communities must know and understand themselves. Before one can evaluate what is happening with others, community workers must be centered and above reproach in their own life. The worker must be aware of the code of ethics associated with the job he is doing. Their ability and commitment to act ethically is an essential aspect of the quality of the service offered to those who use community services. (National Code of Ethics, 2012) A community worker needs to be able to put aside his biases and deal with others in a logical and professional. If someone is honest with himself, if he knows his lacking, see his capacities, and is aware or his personal beliefs, he will be more likely capable of putting them on one side to tackle others justly and no prejudices. It is difficult to discuss with a family member who raped his biological daughter of 13 years old like in Mauritius in 2011. (Le Defi, 2011) But, if you are a community worker, you need to have good relationships with that abuser in order to develop trust and ease healing. A community worker must remain neutral and collect facts. A community worker needs to have active listening skills, not to formulate an answer, but hear what is being said. From this data, the worker needs to make quick decisions in difficult situations. Not listening actively may cause unnecessary pain to people who are involved. Each family feels that they are the only one to have come across a tragic experience; however there are many things in common that exist in most of the cases. (Fairbairn, G.J. 2002) The community worker needs to learn how to remove stress. Stress is one of the main causes of heart attacks. The worker needs to know how to remove stress from his life for instance by doing meditation or physical exercises. Dealing with other peoples issues is difficult if you have feelings. The quote is, God does not give anyone more than they can handle, but community workers handle problems that cannot be discussed with other people apart if the case is really complicated like the person wants to harm himself or someone else. To become a successful community worker, one needs to developl maturity as well as experience. One of the most important skills for a community worker is to be able to empathize. Community workers must go beyond sympathy. To succeed as a community worker, one must feel true empathy for people and be able to place yourself in another persons position. (Fairbairn, G.J. 2002) Voluntary community workers Voluntary community workers work on a salary free basis. They perform actions that benefit the community. They dont get money for the work they do. Furthermore, they are not required to be qualified to perform voluntary community work; they just need to be motivated to do good for the community. Voluntary community work is a group of people or a person who is wants to work for the welfare of the community without being paid. They are helping out other needy neighbors without taking any money for it. These workers should not ask money for their contribution. They should work sincerely with dedication. Being voluntary workers, they should not think that they do not need to put all their effort in what they are doing as they will not get any revenue. Professional community worker Professional community workers are required to be trained and qualified for the work they do, such as a doctor or a manager. Professional community workers get a salary like any other employees. Professional community work is most often done by organizations for money. They get money for whatever they are doing. These workers should perform their work loyally but also expect to get paid for it. They work for the community while being paid and have all the requirements necessary to be able to work towards the betterment of the (community. (Community Dev J.1980) Service delivery Service delivery can be defined as the relationship between the community worker and the inhabitants of the community, and those who benefit from the services, it comprises of both the services and the support provided. Community based approaches Community based approaches is defined as a group of approaches, put into practice in community-level programs or as part of local programs. Amount of involvement differ along set of factors from consultation with inhabitants to use of resources, decision making and implementation of the program in the community. Participatory approaches have existed since many years but the amplitude of beneficiary control in development projects differs considerably. (Cliffe et al., 2003) Community-based approaches are becoming very common and are used in many situations in the presence or absence of a capable government. Community-based approaches can be adopted in places where regular help is not available. Advocates of community-based approaches state that their built in adjustability makes it easy to interfere in places where the government is fragile, however those against say that in practice they often miss to be established, or attenuate. (Cliffe et al., 2003) Objectives of community-based approaches Just like service delivery, a set of objectives are associated with community based approaches. Four types of objectives will be discusses further: empowerment, building organizational capacity, improving efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability and strengthening local government. Empowerment of people and communities Community-based projects have the capacity to be more encompassing, to empower communities, and enhance relationships between civil society and the state (Narayan, 1998; Alkire et al, 2004). Some have doubts on whether complicated things such as empowerment can be tackled through participation in community development projects (Mosse, 2001). Sometimes it is viewed as a way to ameliorate problems while in other situations it is seen as a factor having a built in value and is a limitation in itself. Improve efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of interventions There is large consensus that community-based interventions have the capacity to be more acknowledging to the necessities and aims of inhabitants. Furthermore, there are proof that community-based projects are more productive due to lower degree of bureaucracy and excelling information of local costs (McLeod, 2003) .The projects that include mostly resources available locally tend to be more sustainable. (Ribot, 1995). Build organizational capacity at local level Mobilization of communities determines difficulties, plan and manage projects help to empower community ability for group process. Significant questions encompass the term community and the ways in which the necessities of sub-groups and people are depicted, for instance black or poor people. Community-based approaches try to establish social capital but while this is a beneficial idea it is most of the time put into practice uncritically with improper understanding of cultural and political condition and vested concern in the status quo (Harris, 2001). Strengthen local governance Community-driven progress is more and more being advanced as a way of strengthening state-community synergies (Das Gupta et al., 2004). These approaches capacitate communities to order services and provide a means for rebuilding trust and accountability and re-building the social contract between communities and the state. The aims of making more powerful local government and distributing improved services are often confused. Strength to meet short term goods targets often divert the mind from organizational changes required to make service delivery systems sustainable in the long run. Service delivery of a voluntary community worker People have sometimes worked with the idea of wanting to find some way to give back to their community, and help those who cannot help themselves. Some can volunteer and simply talk to people so that they have a good day and making them happy. Others may to hospitals and help the old people, having conversations and listening to them, thus acquiring maturity. These individuals are most of the time more than grateful to have a talk with someone and being listened to. Similarly, volunteers are also able to help children by doing activities like drawing with them. Volunteers are satisfied with the happiness of the people whom the help. (Helping others is good for you, 1998) By volunteering and doing community service, many people get a maturity that they cannot get anywhere else. Volunteers are given the chance to see life from different perspectives, and gain a lot of humility at the end. . (Helping others is good for you, 1998) When volunteering, these people are able to give as much of their time as they want, the commitment becomes theirs. They have no problem in getting involved with the work as it is being done out of their freewill. By doing community work voluntarily, an individual not only makes a difference in his life but also in all the lives of people who will benefit from his service. (Billig S.H. 2002) Those who engage in voluntary community service are motivated by a personal force, they are happy if they are able to make a difference in somebodys life and do not expect anything in return. Volunteers are altruist by nature that is they like to help people without any interest; they have compassion for those who need help. When doing community service voluntarily, the volunteer will not care about timing if he really wants to help the other person; he will not have to respect the organizations working hours to help someone. When working for an organization, the workers will have to abide by the rules and regulations assigned, if they want to help someone they will have to do so only during working hours. (Billig S.H. 2002) Service delivery of a paid community worker To be able to work for an organization and being remunerated, the community worker must be trained, that is he will possess the skills, experience and will understand the importance of the codes of ethics. Thus he will be in a better position to take rapid and effective decisions for the welfare or the community. To get the job, the individual have the necessary qualifications and fulfill the organizations requirements to be considered worthy thus he will b at a good position to take wise and good decisions. (Learning In Deed, 2005) Being a professional worker, the person will have all the resources necessary to be able to help the needy; he will furthermore be able to use all the resources effectively without giving too much or too little. Also the worker will have a good database, the contact details of all the persons who can be of any help. The company will provide back up to the worker in case of accident, he will be covered by insurance unlike voluntary community workers. (Learning In Deed, 2005) Working in an organization only as a means to get a salary can also be problematic as the community workers main objective will not be to help people in the community but rather to earn money. The worker will not have the same motivation to do something good for others as he will anyway get his salary at the end of the month. When working with the elderly and children, the community worker might not feel happy and might also not make an effort to put a smile on other peoples face. His prime objective will not be to make others happy, the worker will not be satisfied by seeing the neighborhood happy unlike with voluntary community worker. The community worker does his work only as a means to get a salary will have no interest to help people or to work for the betterment of the community. If he encounters a case outside his working hours he will not try to help the people needing help as he will not consider it as part of his work. As soon as his working hours are over he will find it of no use to work for this community. (Learning In Deed, 2005) Critical Analysis It is true that while engaging in community service out of free will the individual will feel happy to be able to contribute for the welfare of the community, however the voluntary community worker will face time constraints, he may be doing the work voluntarily as he is not able to do it on a full time basis as he has already some other engagements. Furthermore voluntary community workers will not have enough resources to help those who need help, for instance building a place for children to spend their leisure time when parents are absent require a lot of resources which unpaid workers might not possess. They will also lack the skills that are needed in difficult situations like dealing with delinquent children; they may take the wrong decisions unconsciously and are guided by their emotions instead of being logical. On the other hand, paid community workers may possess the required qualifications, skills, experience, resources and database but if their only motivation is their sa lary, they will not make any effort to solve the problems of the people in the community. Conclusion Hence, as we can see both voluntary and paid community works have their advantages and disadvantages. The best thing that can be done is to merge the two so as to be able to really benefit the community. By merging the two types, the worker will have the resources to help improve the locality, he will be able to take the right decisions with all the skills, qualifications and by respecting the codes of ethics, have time to handle the cases, and he will have a sense of worthiness helping the neighborhood moreover in return he will get a salary to be able to cater for his expenses. The community worker should not however work only as a way to get a salary. The government can empower both professional and voluntary social workers in terms of resources, access to information and technology and provide training, so that they can do their work more efficiently. By merging voluntary and professional community work, not only will the community benefit but the worker will also gain maturity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

(1.) Verification and observation is not the same thing. When you verify a theory, you have at least partially found support for its truth through observation. When you falsify a theory, you have definitely found support for its un-truth, through observation. Verifiability and falsifiability are contrasting methodologies in the sense that they each emphasize different values of truth: verifiability on â€Å"truth† (at least partial) and falsifiability on â€Å"false.† Consider the classic example of the white swan. Swans in Europe were white so each separate observation of a swan came back as white. Therefore, the induction produces the conclusion that all swans are white. Seemingly giving confirmation, each separate observation verified the conclusion â€Å"all swans are white.† The evidence of course was overpowering, that is until they learned that Australia had black swans. With this singular observation, all the thousands of verifications of white swans were unconcluded. That is the strength of falsification. A singular observation or experiment can toss everything away. Both verifiability and falsifiability share the shortcoming that it can’t reach absolute truth. Verifiability can’t reach absolute truth because of the complications with induction. Falsifiability can’t reach absolute truth for a couple reasons. First, proving that a theory is false only verifies that the negation is true. That’s not much concerning scientific advancement. Second is because of falsifiability identification, with the demarcation criterion between science and pseudo-science, a (supposed) true theory can’t be scientific, because it can’t be falsified. The plausibility of scientific theory in verificationism is â€Å"strong† supporting evidence. ... ...ur deficient human understanding that inhibits us from perceiving it so. The methods of holism don’t seem to be wholly at odds with the traditional scientific method. That being said, holism doesn’t strictly adhere to the scientific method notwithstanding the usage of a scientific-sounding language and can produce neither specific predictions about the natural world nor consequential insights. This reductionism seems to assume that by examining the mechanisms of nature we can predict and consequently control it. Holism does not solve the demarcation problem. A pseudo-science has the solution to everything and can never â€Å"not be true,† whereas a science doesn’t have the solution to everything and can â€Å"always be false.† Religion is only a pseudo-science when it takes itself to be resolving scientific questions; otherwise it is perfectly consequential for Popper. Essay -- (1.) Verification and observation is not the same thing. When you verify a theory, you have at least partially found support for its truth through observation. When you falsify a theory, you have definitely found support for its un-truth, through observation. Verifiability and falsifiability are contrasting methodologies in the sense that they each emphasize different values of truth: verifiability on â€Å"truth† (at least partial) and falsifiability on â€Å"false.† Consider the classic example of the white swan. Swans in Europe were white so each separate observation of a swan came back as white. Therefore, the induction produces the conclusion that all swans are white. Seemingly giving confirmation, each separate observation verified the conclusion â€Å"all swans are white.† The evidence of course was overpowering, that is until they learned that Australia had black swans. With this singular observation, all the thousands of verifications of white swans were unconcluded. That is the strength of falsification. A singular observation or experiment can toss everything away. Both verifiability and falsifiability share the shortcoming that it can’t reach absolute truth. Verifiability can’t reach absolute truth because of the complications with induction. Falsifiability can’t reach absolute truth for a couple reasons. First, proving that a theory is false only verifies that the negation is true. That’s not much concerning scientific advancement. Second is because of falsifiability identification, with the demarcation criterion between science and pseudo-science, a (supposed) true theory can’t be scientific, because it can’t be falsified. The plausibility of scientific theory in verificationism is â€Å"strong† supporting evidence. ... ...ur deficient human understanding that inhibits us from perceiving it so. The methods of holism don’t seem to be wholly at odds with the traditional scientific method. That being said, holism doesn’t strictly adhere to the scientific method notwithstanding the usage of a scientific-sounding language and can produce neither specific predictions about the natural world nor consequential insights. This reductionism seems to assume that by examining the mechanisms of nature we can predict and consequently control it. Holism does not solve the demarcation problem. A pseudo-science has the solution to everything and can never â€Å"not be true,† whereas a science doesn’t have the solution to everything and can â€Å"always be false.† Religion is only a pseudo-science when it takes itself to be resolving scientific questions; otherwise it is perfectly consequential for Popper.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Conflict with Traditional Culture Essay -- Traditional Culture, Ho

The conflict with traditional culture The general people consider Hong Kong as an international city because a lot of cross-cultural enterprises choose Hong Kong as a landing base to enter into Chinese market and even Asian market.As a result ,the conscientious of women leadership can be brought into the working ecology through the expending of multinational firms. Nevertheless, it is misleading that the concept of women leadership can wholly be applied to companies in general and help increasing the number of women leader. There are several reasons. Firstly, in Asian countries including Hong Kong , the local market climate is dominated by the local companies and those companies are a kind of family business. A family business means one family has a significant ownership and influence to the decision in the company and the chairman of the company can only be the son within the family. This tradition can be a huge and unbreakable barrier to the women even though the companies are facing the influence of external culture. More important is that this new working concept especially the idea of women empowerment can not readily neutralize the traditional culture. The reason behind is that the setting rule of patriarchy is still utilized in the world today. Patriarchy is a social system which is male dominate and is central in the social organization. (Chesney-Lind, 2006) .One obvious example is that the children surname are followed by father’s family name, which means the sons are entitled to inherit everything from their father normally. As a result, the male can administrate the collective benefits within the family and consolidate the state of male. It should also be highlighted that the system has a conflict to enhance women s... ...nagement. In Fagenson, E.A. (ed.) Women in Management: Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Managerial Diversity. London: Sage. ISR survey. (2005) .On Hong Kong's Scene, how relevant is Gender in Recruitment - Business Perspective by Mr. Eddie NG, Chairman of HKIHRM International Committee, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management .Retrieved from Equal Opportunities Commission .(2009). Study on Public Perception of Portrayal of Female Gender in the Hong Kong Media. Retrieved from SHAMIR, B. , SALOMON, I. , MANAGEMENT, A. , & Shamir, B. (1985). Work-at-home and the quality of working life. Academy of Management Review, [Electronic version]. 10(3), 455-464. The Conflict with Traditional Culture Essay -- Traditional Culture, Ho The conflict with traditional culture The general people consider Hong Kong as an international city because a lot of cross-cultural enterprises choose Hong Kong as a landing base to enter into Chinese market and even Asian market.As a result ,the conscientious of women leadership can be brought into the working ecology through the expending of multinational firms. Nevertheless, it is misleading that the concept of women leadership can wholly be applied to companies in general and help increasing the number of women leader. There are several reasons. Firstly, in Asian countries including Hong Kong , the local market climate is dominated by the local companies and those companies are a kind of family business. A family business means one family has a significant ownership and influence to the decision in the company and the chairman of the company can only be the son within the family. This tradition can be a huge and unbreakable barrier to the women even though the companies are facing the influence of external culture. More important is that this new working concept especially the idea of women empowerment can not readily neutralize the traditional culture. The reason behind is that the setting rule of patriarchy is still utilized in the world today. Patriarchy is a social system which is male dominate and is central in the social organization. (Chesney-Lind, 2006) .One obvious example is that the children surname are followed by father’s family name, which means the sons are entitled to inherit everything from their father normally. As a result, the male can administrate the collective benefits within the family and consolidate the state of male. It should also be highlighted that the system has a conflict to enhance women s... ...nagement. In Fagenson, E.A. (ed.) Women in Management: Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Managerial Diversity. London: Sage. ISR survey. (2005) .On Hong Kong's Scene, how relevant is Gender in Recruitment - Business Perspective by Mr. Eddie NG, Chairman of HKIHRM International Committee, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management .Retrieved from Equal Opportunities Commission .(2009). Study on Public Perception of Portrayal of Female Gender in the Hong Kong Media. Retrieved from SHAMIR, B. , SALOMON, I. , MANAGEMENT, A. , & Shamir, B. (1985). Work-at-home and the quality of working life. Academy of Management Review, [Electronic version]. 10(3), 455-464.

Friday, October 11, 2019

End of Life Issues

After being diagnosed with debilitating diseases, such as one of the multiple forms of cancer or being in a Persistent Vegetative State, (PVS), many consider euthanasia to end the suffering of that individual. Euthanasia is defined as â€Å"the act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability† (Santrock, 2012). The whole idea of euthanasia is to end the pain and suffering of a person instead of letting them go through the rest of their life awaiting a slow, painful, and oftentimes, undignified death.The act of euthanasia is separated into two main categories; passive and active, or â€Å"letting die† and â€Å"killing†, respectively, according to Ansari, A. , Sambo, A. O. , & Abdulkadir, A. B. (2012). Passive euthanasia is when a person is allowed to die by withholding available treatment, such as an individual not performing CPR on a person who suffers from cardiac arrest or taking a person off th eir artificial life support system, like a feeding tube or breathing machine.Euthanasia can be considered active when a person actively or deliberately gives another person a lethal injection to end their life. Another way to differentiate between the two types of euthanasia would be to say that active euthanasia occurs when an something happens to cause death to a patient and passive euthanasia happens when an inaction causes the patient to die. Physician-assisted suicide is considered a type of active euthanasia, which takes place when a doctor gives a patient a prescription or other drugs to let them to commit suicide.To further classify the term, euthanasia, it can also be categorized as voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary is when a mentally competent person makes the decision to die on their own without being coerced and made fully aware of the pertinent facts of their health. Involuntary euthanasia, (or non-voluntary) is done without the consent of the patient, such as when th e patient is in a coma, and the wishes of that patient are unknown.To combat any moral or ethical issues about a persons' decision to partake in euthanasia, or not partake for that matter, that individual should discuss their advanced care planning, or planned preferences for end-of-life care (Santrock, 2012). By evaluating how a person wants to live out the rest of their life, they can establish an advanced directive, or living will, which would indicate whether or not they wanted life-sustaining procedures used to prolong their life if death were imminent.Any living will should only be signed by an individual that is in a coherent state of mind and able to think clearly (Santrock, 2012). The ethical issue raised by active euthanasia is that it could be considered used as a way to rid society of elderly or terminally ill patients whether they want to die or not. Patients may begin to fear that if they go to the hospital for even routine exams, they might not leave because a person on the medical staff might deem them unable to recuperate from whatever reason brought them to the hospital in the first place.Proponents however, say that people are autonomous, that they have the right to make their own decisions about important issues in their lives such as death. An ethical issue raised by passive euthanasia is that it causes a person die slowly and painfully, instead of giving them the opportunity to pass away comfortably and on their own terms. The laws in Arizona state that any contributor participating in euthanasia would be guilty of one of the subheadings of homicide, being manslaughter, a class 2 felony, or first or second degree murder, both being class 1 felonies.The state of Arizona believes that life is very important and nobody should be able to take that right away from any individual, barring any medical emergency procedure. I believe that euthanasia has its place in society. While I do not condone murder, I believe if a person is dying from an inc urable disease or is in a persistent vegetative state where there is no chance of recovery, allowing that person to die painlessly and with dignity is more moral than not doing so.Although human life is a precious gift from God, I feel that it would be the duty of the patients' family and doctors to take all the information about the health of the patient and make the best decision for their loved one, even if the end result means the death of that person. Euthanasia has many angles to evaluate before a person commits to such an ultimate and final act, whether for a loved one or their own ending. A person